The Bible teaches that giving is a part of growing in our faith. It is a response to God's good gifts to us, and it is an act of worship toward Him. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver - 2 Corinthians 9:7

To give online, click the button on the side.

From there, it would direct you to a page where you can input your personal information as well as debit/credit card information. There is an option, if you choose to participate, for recurring gifts. This is an automatic donation that occurs monthly, weekly, etc - whichever you choose. This is a way to input your information once and giving is done without any worry.

To give by mail, send it to 4622 Wadsworth Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90011

Please ensure that you include name and your home address as well as a stamp to mail it in. We advise that you use security check envelopes to discourage prying eyes.

You can designate a one-time or recurring donation in any combination of the following categories:

General Offering

Funds that goes to the general use of Los Angeles Baptist Church


Supports the daily operating expenses of Los Angeles Baptist Church


Supports the spreading of the Gospel throughout the world by investing in the missionary works supported by Los Angeles Baptist Church

Building Fund

Funds the savings that will be used to purchase a bigger and better building for the church to call home

Love Offering

Designated to particular needs or issues given to the church or from the church

LACA Tuition Assistance

Provides for students in need who seeks a quality education at Los Angeles Christian Academy

If you want to give in a particular focus or have any questions, please contact the church office.